儿歌多多 - 适合宝宝的儿歌故事动画屋

by 多宝灵动



Essential kids apps for parents-nursery rhymes, Journey to the West, stories, cartoons, fairy tales, three-character classics, surnames, disciples, three hundred Tang poems, Song lyrics, lullabies, little stars, Qiaohu, picture books, handmade!

官方推荐,家长必备,百万儿歌,故事,动画片,童话!儿歌多多,拥有百万儿歌故事资源,适合0-12岁儿童及家长使用。 首家精准逐字歌词,宝宝边听边学!提供妈妈和宝贝最爱的胎教音乐、儿歌童谣、儿童故事、睡前童话、唐诗三字经、作文朗诵、少儿英语、百科全书等有声读物。海量故事,天天更新; 儿歌故事屋,给孩子一个快乐的童年。内容简介:西游记,儿歌大全,三字经,弟子规,百家姓,安徒生童话,字母歌,摇篮曲,唐诗三百首,宋词,小燕子,智慧树,两只老虎,小星星,巧虎,成语故事。Official recommendation, a must for parents, millions of nursery rhymes, stories, cartoons, fairy tales!There are a lot of nursery rhymes, with millions of nursery rhymes story resources, suitable for children aged 0-12 and their parents.The first accurate verbatim lyrics, the baby learns while listening!Provide mother and babys favorite prenatal music, nursery rhymes, childrens stories, bedtime fairy tales,Audio books such as the Three-character Classic of Tang Poetry, Composition Recitation, Childrens English, Encyclopedia, etc. Massive stories, updated every day;The nursery rhyme story house gives children a happy childhood.brief introduction:Journey to the West, Encyclopedia of Childrens Songs, Three-character Classic, Di Zi Gui, Hundred Family Names, Andersens Fairy Tales, Alphabet Songs, Lullabies, Three Hundred Tang Poems, Song Lyrics, Little Swallows, Tree of Wisdom, Two Tigers, Little Stars, Qiaohu, Idioms and Stories.1. 细节优化; 2. 解决部分用户反馈问题;